Portfolio Alerts on IIFL Markets App

Portfolio Alerts on IIFL Markets App

Portfolio Alerts

When is the right time to sell one of your long-term holdings? When is the right time to invest more in it? You would probably base this decision on a lot of factors, let's say, a stock hitting the upper or lower circuit for the day, a dividend is announced, or a stock reaching 52W low or high.
Now, how would you know if one of your holdings is about to hit one of the criteria we just read about?
Here’s where personalized Portfolio Alerts by IIFL Markets App come into play.
IIFL Markets App will send a personalized notification on your phone as soon as any of your holdings, let's say, hits an upper circuit. 

This will enable you to make an informed decision about what to do with your portfolio!

Not only this you will be informed about any corporate event such as Annual or quarterly general meetings, any news regarding the securities in the portfolio that has the potential to move the prices of the securities. You do not have to constantly look for the news related to your portfolio online or worry about the price hitting the upper circuit, it will quite literally come to you through notifications. You will have an edge over your portfolio by staying updated for any opportunity or warning arising in the market. You will also receive updates on the stocks which have shown a significant capital gain or loss, or any promoter activity that follows on it.

To get the portfolio alerts on the go, So why wait? Download the IIFL Markets App and start receiving these updates automatically!!!

Happy Trading!

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